Do what you love without needing permission

Do you feel like your dreams, aspirations, and goals are held back by the fear of not being accepted or judged by other people? Yes, then it’s time to take control and learn how to do what you love without requiring approval from others.

This post will explore ways to stay true to yourself while pursuing your passion. From learning to trust yourself more and building healthy boundaries with those around us, read on as we demystify the idea of doing what you love without needing validation from people first.

Approval-seeking behaviors

And no one is sure how they’ve been developed. Some social scientists believe it evolved from a survival advantage that group acceptance provided. It was challenging to survive 10,000 years ago, and maybe impossible to survive alone. Those who crave acceptance have a better chance of staying with the group.

Those who didn’t care about upsetting others were kicked to the prehistoric curb and an early demise.

In this day and age, approval-seeking behavior is self-sabotaging; trying to impress others is exhausting and minimizes your importance and individuality.

A girl living her passion is an example of doing what you love

Try using these six steps to free yourself from the need to receive approval from others and do what you love

1. Give your opinion freely 

  • One symptom of approval-seeking tendencies is the hesitance to share your opinion. You might say something that the other person disapproves of. And since it was your opinion, they might not approve of you either.
    • Give your opinion, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Start with more minor things. Do you think it will rain? Do you prefer basketball or football? Which movie would you like to see?

2. Avoid judging others

  • If you’re overly critical of others, it’s only natural to assume others are the same towards you. By avoiding this type of behavior in yourself, you’ll drop the assumption that everyone else is judging you. Allow others to be as they are. It makes life more enjoyable. Sit back and enjoy the differences.
    • Please take a look at your thoughts. Are you constantly judging others in a variety of situations? You’ll fear the judgments of others if you continue to be judgmental.

3. Realize that disapproval can be used as a weapon

  • Many people use disapproval as a means of getting what they want. They may disapprove of your opinion, clothing, hairstyle, or anything else to enjoy the fruits of your submission.
    • Call people on their disapproval of you. Ask them to explain themselves. Remember that most hostile people seek a victim, not a fight. When you stick up for yourself, many of the bullies disappear.
    • Knowing this can free you from seeking the approval of others. In many cases, they’re just in the game for themselves.

4. Be aware of what happens when someone disapproves of you. Nothing happens.

  • We are born with an intense desire to fit in. But what happens when someone disapproves of you? The sky doesn’t fall on top of you. You might suffer from anxiety or embarrassment, but it passes.

5. Do some things for yourself

  • If you’re constantly seeking approval, you’re not taking good care of yourself. Show yourself that you’re essential by focusing some of your time and energy on yourself. It might be a little bit uncomfortable at first. You might even feel selfish.

6. Fill your life with essential things

  • If you had to run across the street naked to save your child’s life, you wouldn’t be worried about anyone’s opinion. That’s because your child’s life is more important than your ego. But you don’t need a disaster to experience this.
    • Volunteer with an organization that’s doing important work. Write a book that you believe will change lives for the better. Find ways to spend your time on things you consider to be important.
    • You’ll find that you enjoy more freedom in the other, less important, parts of your life.
A pair of scissors show the courage to make your own choices in life.

Do what you love

Being overly concerned about the opinions of others is damaging to your self-esteem. Each time you seek approval, you’re diminishing your importance. You’re causing yourself pain. Your opinion matters. Allow your individuality to be seen and experienced by others.

It’s time for you to start doing what YOU love without needing permission from anyone else. It doesn’t matter if your friends or family think it’s a good idea or if it pays the bills immediately – if it lights you up from the inside, go after it with everything you’ve got!

And remember, if you need help releasing yourself from people-pleasing behaviors, follow the six steps outlined in this post. We guarantee they will work wonders in your life if you try them.

Now we want to hear from you:

Which of these approval-seeking behaviors do you struggle with the most?

What are some things you want to do but haven’t done because of fear of others’ judgment?

Please let us know in the comments below so we can support and encourage you on your journey!

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